Are Salt Water Hot Tubs Good for Your Skin?

Are you considering a saltwater hot tub for your home? If so, you might be wondering whether it’s good for your skin.

Saltwater hot tubs are known for being gentler on the skin compared to traditional chlorinated ones. They use a saltwater system that converts salt to a moderate amount of chlorine, which reduces harsh chemicals and contributes to increased water softness. This water softness not only makes your soak more enjoyable but also minimizes the risk of skin problems.

Are Salt Water Hot Tubs Good for Your Skin

In this article, we’ll explore the benefits of saltwater hot tubs and their impact on your skin health. Read on to learn more about how saltwater hot tubs can benefit your skin and overall well-being.

Understanding Salt Water Hot Tubs

Salt water hot tubs are becoming increasingly popular due to their various benefits for your skin and overall relaxation experience. In salt water systems, the water is sanitized using a chlorine generator, which is gentler on the body compared to traditional chlorinated systems.

When you soak in a salt water hot tub, you may notice that your skin feels softer and less irritated. This is because salt water systems produce fewer chloramines, which can cause red eyes, dry hair, scaly skin, and breathing difficulties in some people.

Soaking in salt water is good for sensitive skin as it has fewer chemical fluctuations and can help in providing a more therapeutic experience.

Moreover, immersing yourself in hot water can feel really good, as it relaxes muscle tension and relieves joint pain. Hot tubs can even boost your mental health. However, this doesn’t mean that everyone should use hot tubs without caution, as there are still some risks involved, depending on your health.

Furthermore, some people find that salt water has an exfoliating effect on the skin, which can help remove dead skin cells and prevent buildup. This natural exfoliating process can leave your skin looking healthier and more radiant.

Benefits of Salt Water Hot Tubs for Your Skin


Salt water hot tubs are great for promoting exfoliation. The salt particles gently exfoliate your skin as you soak in the tub, helping to remove dead skin cells and leaving your skin looking fresh and rejuvenated.

Soothing Effects on Skin Conditions

If you have skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis, a salt water hot tub can provide soothing relief.

The natural properties of salt water help to reduce inflammation and irritation caused by these skin issues, allowing you to enjoy a calming soak without worsening your symptoms.

The buoyancy of salt water also takes the pressure off your joints and muscles, helping you to relax and ease any discomfort.

Natural Sanitization and Reduced Irritation

One significant advantage of salt water hot tubs is their ability to maintain a consistent level of sanitization, thanks to the continuous monitoring of chlorine and bromine levels. This means you don’t have to worry about overusing chemical sanitizers, which can often cause skin irritation.

Salt water hot tubs generate the necessary sanitizers as required, ensuring that your water remains clean and safe while minimizing any potential irritation caused by excessive chemicals. This makes them an ideal choice if you have sensitive skin or simply want to maintain a more natural and skin-friendly hot tub experience.

Potential Drawbacks of Salt Water Hot Tubs

Skin Sensitivity and Prolonged Exposure

While salt water hot tubs are often advertised to be gentler on the skin compared to their traditional counterparts, some people may still experience skin irritation.

If you have particularly sensitive skin, you might find the salt water in a hot tub irritating, especially after prolonged exposure.

While you may be tempted to stay in the hot tub longer because of the increased buoyancy provided by the saltwater alleviating pain from your joints, if it is irritating your skin, then you may have to limit your time spent in the bath.

Maintenance and Cost Factors

Smooth skin comes at a cost. Salt water hot tubs can have maintenance and cost issues that may impact your overall experience.

While they often require less maintenance due to their self-sanitizing system, headaches arise when the salt cell of the chlorine generator eventually needs to be replaced after a few years, and this can be a costly affair.

Moreover, maintaining the salt levels in your hot tub is crucial for its performance. If the salt levels are too high or too low, the system may not function effectively, and you could end up dealing with water quality issues or corrosion damage to the equipment.

However compared to regular hot tubs, saltwater hot tubs require less maintenance and often have no unpleasant “chlorine smell.” This makes them a popular choice among homeowners who prioritize skin health and relaxation.

Proper Hot Tub Usage and Care Tips for Skin Health

Regular Maintenance

Regularly check and adjust the salt and chlorine levels in your hot tub. Maintaining the ideal salt levels will help ensure that your skin stays smooth and itch-free. To do this, use a salt water test kit to check the salt concentration and adjust it as needed. Ideally, you should maintain a salt concentration of around 2,000 to 3,000 parts per million (ppm).

In addition to monitoring salt levels, also keep an eye on your hot tub’s sanitizer levels. Maintaining the proper amount of chlorine-generated sanitizer will help prevent bacteria and other contaminants from causing skin irritation. Regularly inspect the salt cell for buildup, and clean it if needed to ensure efficient chlorine production.

Balancing the Water Chemistry

Proper water chemistry is essential for keeping your hot tub clean and your skin feeling good.

Ensure that the pH level in your hot tub is balanced, ideally between 7.4 and 7.6, to avoid skin irritation and prevent any damage to your hot tub equipment.

Besides pH, you should also monitor alkalinity and calcium hardness levels to maintain an overall balanced water chemistry. Having balanced hot tub water will not only help protect your skin but also extend the life of your hot tub components.

To maintain balanced water chemistry:

  • Test the water frequently using test strips or a digital test kit.
  • If levels are too high or too low, adjust accordingly using appropriate chemicals.
  • Keep a log of test results and adjustments to track trends and make future adjustments easier.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are saltwater hot tubs more expensive than regular ones?

Yes, saltwater hot tubs can be more expensive initially compared to regular ones due to the installation of a saltwater system. However, they can save you money in the long run as they are cheaper to maintain and require fewer chemicals.

What are the health benefits of salt water in hot tubs?

Saltwater has several health benefits for your skin. It can exfoliate the skin by removing dead skin cells and may also be beneficial for those with sensitive skin as it is more gentle than traditional chlorinated systems. Furthermore, soaking in a saltwater hot tub may help remove dirt and oil, leaving your skin feeling refreshed and revitalized.

How do salt water hot tubs compare to chlorine ones?

In salt water hot tubs, the water is softer, which can be better for sensitive skin. These hot tubs also produce fewer odors and provide increased resistance to chemical fluctuations. However, compared to chlorine hot tubs, they may need salt cell replacements every 2-5 years, which is an additional cost to consider.

How long can you safely stay in a saltwater hot tub?

There is no specific time limit for how long you should stay in a saltwater hot tub, as it varies depending on personal preference and health conditions. That said, some general hot tub guidelines are that the water temperature should be kept at around 100-104°F, and that you should not stay longer than 20 minutes for fear of overheating and dehydrating.
