How to Go to the Beach Alone – 19 Crucial Tips

Whether you’re going to a local beach or spending your vacation on the shores of a tropical paradise thousands of miles from home, you should take steps to ensure that your beachgoing experience is smooth and safe, especially if you’re alone. Keep reading on to learn how exactly you can do just that.

19 Crucial Tips for Beach Safety and Leisure

is it weird to go to the beach alone as a girl

  1. Choose a Popular Spot: Picking a well-frequented beach ensures that there are lifeguards on duty and other people around. This can provide a safer environment both in and out of the water.
  2. Arrive Early or Late: If you want a quieter experience, consider going early in the morning or later in the evening. This allows you to find a good spot, and the cooler temperatures can also be more comfortable.
  3. Notify Someone: Before you head out, let a friend or family member know where you’re going and what time you expect to return. Check-in with them once you’ve safely left the beach.
  4. Dress Appropriately: Wear easily removable shoes like flip-flops, and consider dressing in layers. This makes it easier to switch from sunbathing to taking a dip or heading into a nearby shop or eatery.
  5. Bring Entertainment: Pack a good book, journal, or download music/podcasts. It’s a chance to have some “me-time” and truly relax.
  6. Plan for Shade: If you’re staying for a prolonged period, having a source of shade like a beach umbrella or a pop-up tent can be beneficial. It offers relief from the sun and a recognizable landmark if you go for a swim or walk.
  7. Stay Connected: Ensure your phone is fully charged and consider bringing a portable charger. This isn’t just for entertainment – it’s crucial for safety.
  8. Selfie Caution: If you’re taking selfies, be cautious about the surroundings. Make sure you’re not near the water’s edge with your back to the waves, as unexpected large waves can pose dangers.
  9. Know Local Wildlife: Before you head to the beach, research common local marine life and animals. Knowing which creatures to avoid or watch for can prevent unwanted encounters.
  10. Limit Valuables: Only bring essentials. If possible, leave expensive items like jewelry or fancy electronics at home. The less you bring, the less you have to worry about.
  11. Invest in a Waterproof Pouch or Bag: For items that you must bring (like your phone, keys, or money), consider investing in a waterproof pouch or a bag with a lock. Some pouches can even be worn around your neck or waist, keeping them close to you at all times.
  12. Set Up Near Lifeguards or Families: Positioning yourself closer to the lifeguard station or near families can offer a feeling of security. It’s less likely for thieves to target areas with many watchful eyes.
  13. Stay Aware of Your Surroundings: Even if you’re engrossed in a book or relaxing, try to stay semi-aware of what’s happening around you. Periodically scan your surroundings and check on your belongings.
  14. Water Safety: If you’re planning to swim, always respect the ocean’s power. Stay within designated swimming areas, be wary of rip currents, and if in doubt, don’t go out. When swimming alone, it’s even more critical to stay closer to the shore and to wear a buoyancy aid.
  15. Use Sun Protection: Since there’s no one to help remind you or reach tricky spots, make sure to apply a water-resistant sunscreen with an SPF 15 rating or higher liberally before arriving and reapply regularly. Consider using UV protective clothing or an umbrella for added protection.
  16. Stay Hydrated & Snack Smart: Bring plenty of water to keep yourself hydrated. If you’re packing snacks, choose items that won’t melt or attract unwanted attention from wildlife.
  17. Clean Up & Pack Light: Bring a trash bag to pack out what you pack in. Not only is it respectful to the environment and other beach-goers, but it also means you won’t have many things to keep track of. Packing light makes it easier to move spots if you feel uncomfortable or if the tides change.
  18. Plan Transportation: If you’re driving, make sure you’re aware of parking rules and any fees. If using public transport, know the schedules to avoid getting stranded.
  19. Trust Your Instincts: If something feels off or you feel uncomfortable for any reason, don’t hesitate to pack up and leave or move to a different spot. Your safety and comfort should always come first.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it safe to go to the beach by myself?

Yes, it is generally safe to go to the beach by yourself, but it does come with precautions. The level of safety can vary based on the beach’s location, its popularity, and the time of day you choose to go.

To start, pick a well-frequented beach where there are lifeguards on duty, which adds an element of security both in and out of the water. Additionally, letting someone know where you’re heading and when you expect to be back is a good practice. Always stay alert and aware of your surroundings, and trust your instincts; if something feels off, it’s okay to leave.

How do I handle unwanted attention or interactions when I’m alone?

Handling unwanted attention or interactions requires a balance of assertiveness and safety awareness:

  1. Stay Aware: Regularly scan your surroundings. Being aware can deter potential unwanted interactions.
  2. Choose Your Location Wisely: Set up closer to families or groups, as it tends to be safer and can discourage unwanted attention.
  3. Be Confident: If approached, use a firm and confident voice. Confidence can sometimes dissuade unwanted interactions.
  4. Avoid Providing Personal Information: If someone asks, there’s no need to disclose that you’re alone or give details about your plans.
  5. Use Technology: Have your phone accessible and consider using earphones with no music playing; this allows you to hear your surroundings while giving the impression you’re occupied.
  6. Plan an Exit Strategy: Know your routes out of the beach and have a plan if you feel the need to leave quickly.
  7. Trust Your Instincts: If someone or something makes you uncomfortable, don’t hesitate to pack up and move to a different spot or leave entirely.

What essential items should I bring for a solo beach trip?

For a solo beach trip, consider packing the following essentials:

  1. Sun Protection: Sunscreen, sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat, and UV-protective clothing.
  2. Hydration & Snacks: A refillable water bottle and non-perishable snacks.
  3. Entertainment: A good book, music or podcasts with earphones, or a journal.
  4. Identification & Money: A copy of your ID, some cash, and a debit or credit card.
  5. Communication: A fully charged phone and possibly a portable charger.
  6. Security: A waterproof pouch or bag with a lock for valuables.
  7. Comfort: A comfortable blanket or beach chair, and an umbrella or tent for shade.
  8. Water Safety: If you plan to swim, consider floatation devices or wearing a bright-colored swim cap to be easily spotted.
  9. Clean-up: Trash bags to ensure you leave no trace.
  10. Footwear: Appropriate beach footwear like flip-flops or water shoes.

Is it advisable to swim in the ocean when visiting the beach by myself?

While swimming is one of the primary attractions of the beach, caution is crucial when doing so alone. If you choose to swim:

  1. Stay Close to Shore: This ensures you’re easily visible to lifeguards and others on the beach.
  2. Know the Beach: Be aware of the beach’s specific risks, such as rip currents, tides, and local marine life.
  3. Swim in Designated Areas: Always swim in areas watched over by lifeguards.
  4. Avoid Risky Behavior: Don’t dive into unknown waters or swim too far out.
  5. Be Visible: Use a bright swim cap or floatation device to increase your visibility.
  6. Know Your Limits: Even if you’re an experienced swimmer, factors like water temperature, currents, and fatigue can affect your abilities.

What are the benefits of going to the beach alone?

Going to the beach alone offers numerous benefits:

  1. Solitude/Socializing: It provides a break from social interactions, offering peace and tranquility. Conversely, you can also use this opportunity to meet new friends, but please respect the fact that some people are there to be left alone.
  2. Flexibility: You can choose when to go, where to set up, and how to spend your time without compromising for others.
  3. Self-reflection: The calming nature of the beach is conducive to introspection and meditation.
  4. Empowerment: Doing activities alone, like going to the beach, can boost your confidence and independence.
  5. Connection with Nature: Without distractions, you can fully immerse yourself in the natural surroundings, observing the waves, wildlife, and the vastness of the ocean.
  6. Uninterrupted Relaxation: Read, nap, or sunbathe without interruptions.
  7. Freedom: Listen to the music you like, read at your pace, or even try out beach activities you might feel shy doing in a group.
